The Beauty of Ritual


Before every performance, each dancer arrives at the theater and begins their personalized ritual process of preparing for a show. It is a beautiful process. It is a sacred process. So begins a practice of attempting specific hair styles and finely painted faces and bodies catered to the ballet being performed. All this taking place in the women’s dressing room, a warm den of feminine comradely, a safe haven in contrast to the biting winter air outdoors. There are giggles and gossiping, warm up practices, and serene moments to focus on what’s to come. The stage manager’s voice over the speaker informing us of our dwindling time... half hour, 10 minutes... as everyone crowds around the rosin box to ensure pointe shoes are securely fastened. Bare skin is draped in costumes that have covered many bodies. The scent of stale sweat and time worn fabrics permeating our senses as we make our way to the dressers in the hall. We hear the final call, ‘on stage’ and the performance begins. 

I miss this ritual. I miss this incredibly feminine practice of care and precision, and the experience of working with a female collective. This sacred practice of preparing for a performance with other women was nourishing in a very primal way. There was a comforting sense of belonging, and being completely present in ones own body. In our modern society we are so divorced from the practice of ritual, and each other. 

And so, I remind myself to continue to create ritual in my life. To commit to giving meaning, and attention to small everyday tasks. To seek community. To take the time to begin and end every day with intention. To understand that every day doesn’t have to be a performance, but simply a practice. 

Do you have ritual practices during your day? What practices are meaningful and healing for you in your life? 


The Body, our Greatest Relationship


A Return to Love